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Timer Types: All four of them explained the simple way!


Hello and welcome! Today’s topic is the different types of timers that we can use or that we should use for our PLC. I have listed here the four you can see it on the top left eye top left. You see pulse on delay of delay retentive on delay those are the four different timers that we have and this retentive only by the way also called time accumulator. So it's both names the others are called as they are. I will show you how to implement them in the program how to actually work with them and yes I know there are more than four types in existence but those four are the ones that engineers all over actually. Europe yeah pretty much Europe IEC is a European Commission yes they decided those are the standard ones and not just the Siemens PSCs can use those but also other PSCs and other types of controllers.

So those are the four standard ones so I will only show those there are more especially. When we get to the s5 family older ones those were not really standardized they exist but well you shouldn't use them anymore those are the first-ever ones right most up in the corner see there yeah I've got a door here right. I've got this tour and I've got a button and I've got a value those are the three things we've got the retentive timer the time accumulator has two buttons I will get to this but that's what all of them have alright

Pulse timer is the first type of timer here let's analyze what the buttons do and what. What this is so I've got a door this door should open well that's pretty easy it should open and close for a specific amount of time we see this timer value each time uh that we have has a specific time value. Basically how long has the time I've been active you see some of them they have 5,000 milliseconds and some of them have zero so there is something already in there I have set all those timers to 5 seconds which is five thousand milliseconds so all of them do something for five seconds five thousand milliseconds. Let's see the pilots timer if I click when I click on this open door button right you see timer starts timers running as long as this time as running the doors 

open after five seconds the door closes automatically right that's the pilot timer. I'm clicking the button and then a pulse right the pulse is a specific amount of time the thing is on and then it's off so that's the pilots right we're opening something for a pulse amount of time that we give all right even if I click here I open the door a thousand times. It only reacts on the first time we press the button and then has this pulse as soon as the pulse is over it's back to zero once more I'm sending the pulse the pulse here is five seconds one two three four five doors closed again that's a pulse timer right we just want to do something on in action for the next five seconds. It does not matter if this action is then on or off we just want to do it as soon as this button is pressed and then for the next five seconds doesn't matter what happens with this button right if I click it a thousand times if I don't click it at all anymore that's what happens right that's the pulse timer first type of timer the next one very similar is the off delay timer alright and you can see this off delay time actually starts at five seconds. So it has this five seconds already in there the five thousand milliseconds and as soon as I hit the button you see actually goes back to zero that's strange and goes up to five thousand again you saw that so it starts at zero it goes up to five thousand. 
